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Give blood!

I went in to try to give blood today, but they laughed at me! :< Apparently I don't look 110. I told them I was ALMOST 110! and they were like "Yeah! maybe with your backpack on! HAHA" -.-*

Anyhow! Please donate blood everybody! There's a critical blood shortage right now!


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Posted by Kim @ 07:42 PM PST

19 have spoken

where is kim? is she dead? is she comatose?

Posted by No one Important @ 10/18/2002 01:37 AM PST

kim is great :)

Posted by Niall @ 10/18/2002 01:03 AM PST

Kim! what's happened to you? It's been a while since anyone heard from you. Hope school isn't getting you down. Post something and make all your viewers happy. You don't have to say anything nice, just let us know you're alive :0) Take care~!

Posted by Louis [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 10/15/2002 11:26 PM PST

hey kim.. just passing through some sites, stumbled upon yours and thought i'd leave a lil comment on the journal. aww.. sucks they didn't let you give blood. it's a great thing you're doing, though. so unselfish. anyway, just thought i'd say hi.

Posted by trish [virtual dwelling] @ 10/09/2002 06:44 PM PST

Yeah give blood, guys just make sure that you don't get the blood bank mixed up with the sperm bank... They'll look at you really funny if you do. Make sure you're at the right place before you do ANYTHING! ;) Anyway, you should give blood, I do it when I can.

Posted by DC [e-meo] @ 10/08/2002 12:45 PM PST

aww..ur too kind!! i would love to donate blood but i'm a bit afraid of needles. i know it's a selfish statement.. =(

Posted by Lynn [virtual dwelling] @ 10/08/2002 04:51 AM PST

i went, but i got my tattoo within the past six months...and you know how college kids looove to give plasma...

thas got a sticker that says "i tried"...

Posted by Nika [virtual dwelling] @ 10/04/2002 03:57 PM PST

yea, i was barely above the 110 limit before... but i've packed on a few pounds. i donate regularly to red cross. they always call after 9 weeks or so. i'm a sucker for free cookies/juice/tshirt. sadly, i cancelled my appointment to donate on 9/11 the day before because i planned to go to catalina that day.
kevin - they never stopped me after i went to taiwan. what countries did you go to?

Posted by daishi [e-meo] @ 10/04/2002 12:38 AM PST

yes!! donating blood is GOOD! even though you weren't able to give, kim...i applaud your efforts for trying! you get an A! guys give blood! y'all have the potential to save 3 lives!! ok, that's my schpiel! ^_^


Posted by tim! [e-meo] @ 10/03/2002 12:17 AM PST

Love your site.

Posted by Dennis [virtual dwelling] @ 10/01/2002 07:02 PM PST

i think even if they freeze it, it still degrades.

Posted by kim @ 10/01/2002 10:01 AM PST

i didn't know that. i figured they would freeze it so that it lasts forever.hey, what can you do. i'm gonna go give blood this week.

Posted by eyekyu [e-meo] @ 09/30/2002 05:15 PM PST

Yeah, because people only gave blood on 9/11 -- blood only lasts for a certain amount of time until it's unusable, and for some reason people just stopped giving blood.

Posted by kim @ 09/29/2002 12:25 PM PST dont ask a girl her time stuff marsh mellows in ur bra n mouth..n try to look fat..

Posted by Victor [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 09/29/2002 11:48 AM PST

I don't get it. I just saw a report on how they threw away like millions of gallons of blood since 9/11 because they didn't need it.

Posted by eyekyu [e-meo] @ 09/29/2002 07:03 AM PST

Aw! That's so sad!! hehe :) At least you tried! Good job!!

Posted by Vanessa [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 09/28/2002 09:20 AM PST

don't be sad I tried giving blood 2 times and both times they said mine was no good from the travel I did in asia

Posted by mr Kevin Danger [e-meo] @ 09/28/2002 02:06 AM PST

didn't they weigh you? most of the blood donation centers/clinics have a scale. I guess i have a few pounds to spare if you want them though :0). take care

Posted by louis [e-meo] @ 09/28/2002 12:01 AM PST

u are so cute

Posted by someone from ur past @ 09/27/2002 11:39 PM PST

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