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Speaking about egomaniacs...

I was called an egomaniac today. At first, I was insulted. Then, I thought about it -- and have come to the sad conclusion that... Well... I AM an egomaniac. Afterall, I've barely had any webpage that doesn't have a picture of me plastered all over the front. I carry more pictures of myself in my wallet than anybody else. Plus, my number one favourite writing topic is, well, me!

All that aside, though, I think I am on the conceited side. The problem is, though, I can't really help the fact that I make more money than the majority of my peers while barely working. And I can't help the fact that I want to brag about it. I mean, isn't that part of human nature?


Afterall, I think it is because of this that I do get any work at all. Because of my audacity and my over-confidence, I have been able to bamboozle people in paying more money than I ever deserved. It's almost silly, really, but very true.

After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that confidence, no matter how you put it (egomaniac, conceit), is an important trait to have. Without it, you can't really succeed in the world. I mean, who's going to believe you if you don't believe in yourself?

"Jibun o shinjite."

Japanese for believe in yourself. A very important phrase to have, whenever you feel in doubt. Eh, maybe I'm wrong. . . And maybe conceit only hurts the individual in the long run... But hey, as long as I earned my right to be conceited, I think I should be able to excercise it as much as I can.

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Posted by Kim @ 10:47 PM PST

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