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My apologies, then

To Dee, whom I assumed was interested in drugs from the title of her weblog "an ecstasy induced blog. I just needed an example of drugs on the 'net, and the title was an easy target.

Seriously, though. While we're on the topic of drugs, I'd like to say that I don't necessarily feel that the people who do drugs are icky. It's their choices. Afterall, who in their right mind would put a substance that they KNOW is harmful to their body? Isn't eating beef enough of a risk?!

Anyhow. That's my stance on drugs. Maybe I'm just biased from those that I've known in the past who did drugs. They were prone to worser decisions than drugs. Perhaps that's what's made them truly icky -- I just always connected that with the drugs themselves, though.


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Posted by Kim @ 07:48 AM PST

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